Ankara Jazz Association organizes poster contests every year to select the festival poster of the year. I have participated to the contest with this poster. February 2020. 
Ankara Film Festival (2023) poster contest entries. 
"Hometown sickness" is a poster series I have created during my Erasmus exchange semester in the Netherlands. This project arised as a result of my homesickness to Ankara. 500 x 300, March 2022. 
Typography studies as a ghost project for Berlin City Theatre's season opening. September 2022. 
Ghost project for the Istanbul Techno Festival, July 2021.
Ghost project I have designed for my undergraduate course Typography II, June 2021.
Poster design I made for our studio's end of year exhibition which held between 17-18 May 2021. Studio instructors specifically asked me to design the poster for 2nd year student's representation. May 2021. 
Ghost project for promotion of Bellini Exhibition in Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, March 2020. 
"Isolation with a lettuce", poster design for undergraduate course project COMD 102. March 2020. 
Poster designs for university's student newspaper GazeteBilkent. October - December 2021

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